Endocrine Conditions
Thyroid cancer occurs when normal cells in the thyroid change and their growth becomes uncontrolled. There are different types of thyroid cancer. Some types are more serious than others.
Thyroid nodules are solid or fluid-filled lumps that develop within your thyroid. Most thyroid nodules are not serious & do not cause symptoms. Only a small percentage of thyroid nodules are cancerous.
A goitre is a swelling or enlargement of the thyroid gland. A “Multinodular goitre” is an enlarged thyroid gland containing thyroid nodules.
Graves’ disease is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism. The immune system produces an antibody that "switches on” the thyroid gland resulting in overproduction of thyroid hormone.
Hyperparathyroidism is an elevated level of parathyroid hormone in the blood. Depending on the cause of hyperparathyroidism, this can lead to elevated levels of calcium in the blood (hypercalcaemia).